DNA Gold is committed to the responsible development of metals projects with our investments in jurisdictions that meet our benchmark Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) policies. We support sustainable business practices and active management of environment, social and governance issues to enhance the benefits mining can bring to society and local communities.

DNA Gold believes that to be successful, mining projects must consider ESG early in a project’s development. While DNA Gold does not have operating jurisdiction of the activities of our property owners, through the due diligence process of our investments we choose projects that align with our selected ESG benchmarks. We look forward to supporting our project partners in their environmental and social initiatives in their communities.

DNA Gold’s investment policies consider global and regional ESG principles and are aligned with SASB, UN Sustainable Development Goals, the Carbon Disclosure Project, the International Council on Mining and Metals Principles, the Towards Sustainable Mining Initiative, Responsible Gold Mining Principles, UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the Global Industry Standard on Tailings.